National Lottery BE

National Lottery BE Life Entertainment
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 4.1.23
  • 23.7MB

National Lottery BE -

Check results & results of our Games (eg Lotto, Joker+, Euro Millions).

With this free app from the National Lottery you always have your favorite play and results at hand. Both trekkings games and scratch games and woohoo games are put on your home screen. You then have easy access to our game platform e-lotto. The draw of Lotto, Euromillions, Extra Lotto, Joker+, Keno or Pick3 is over? Scan your ticket and you immediately know if you won. You can also add your membership card of the National Lottery Club in the app: this way you always have your benefits in your pocket!

What's new in the latest version 4.1.23

Last updated on Jun 6, 2021 Your app received an update!

We are committed to making playing as fun and easy as possible for you. That is why we are constantly making improvements to our app. We have just launched a few updates. So do you also want to continue to enjoy smooth experience in the future? Then quickly install the latest version of the app!

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