Wing Chun Kuen Phai

Wing Chun Kuen Phai Sports and Health
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1.2
  • 522.9KB

Wing Chun Kuen Phai -

Wing Chun Kuen Phai - the traditional school of kung fu Vietnamese destination.

Wing Chun Kuen Phai - a school of traditional kung fu Vietnamese destination. This is proven in practice and honed by centuries of training and self-improvement techniques, has become not only a perfect system of warfare, but also health promotion, treatment and prevention of disease.

With advanced age , having passed the test of time, Wing Chun is harmoniously combined with the daily life of man who dedicated himself to the study of this art. Large numbers of people have been engaged today, painstakingly studying this science to reveal to the world, filled with wisdom.

Education Wing Chun Kuen Phai includes :

✿ psychophysical work Thien ( Zen, meditation) .

✿ articular GYMNASTICS aims to develop all the joints: improving their mobility and strength, which leads to an improvement in blood flow and blood circulation throughout the body. Increased flexibility and ease.

✿ STRENGTH COMPLEX helps develop strength and endurance. All body develops smoothly and harmoniously.

✿ TECHNIQUE is very diverse and includes: beats , breaks , bumps , grabs, throws , loss of balance, movement , leaves the line of attack. Many different techniques, involving both defense and attack. And also highlight Chun - "sticky hands", which, after contact with the hands of the enemy feel let his intentions , on time and effectively respond to them, to keep under control and with due skill fully manage equilibrium enemy , while he loses the ability to attack and becomes vulnerable. And as we study sections Chun " sticky feet" , working with the sixth and knives - butterflies form. A special place in the study of art is the work on the wooden dummy .

✿ Very important section is Qigong (Chinese) - Khi Kong ( vet. ) , which translates as the work of breathing ( energy) , which prepares the body , mind and spirit to overcome great physical and psychological stress. Man becomes more stamina , gets a lot of qualities , allowing to work with renewed vigor. And most importantly - many health improves fold back down the disease or are in a milder form . Without Khi Kong can not be properly and fully practicing Wing Chun combat section. Acquired qualities - strength, force, speed, stamina, ease.

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What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.2

Last updated on Aug 26, 2015 Версия 1.1.2:
- Добавлен перевод на английский
- Обновлена контактная информация
- Исправлена причина случайного вылета.

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