VR StarTrooper Arena Fly -
This is a small automatic camera flyby in an arena
This is a small automatic camera flyby in an arena on the top of a spaceship.
I used the Unity game template "StarTrooper".
Supports all Android compatible HMDs with Gyroscope like:
Durovis Dive: www.durovis.com
Refugio3D: www.refugio3d.net
Coogle Cardboard: http://g.co/cardboard
Samsung Gear VR: http://techcrunch.com/2014/09/03/samsung-gear-vr-oculus-ceo-brendan-iribe/
VReye GO: http://vrelia.com/vreyego/
What's New in the Latest Version 2.0.1
Last updated on Nov 16, 2015 Version 2.0.1:- Graphic Performance Optimizations
Version 2:
- Cardboard SDK
- Better Graphics