Vite Un Bicloo

Vite Un Bicloo Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 5.1
  • 2.1MB

Vite Un Bicloo -

Bicloo A Fast, Light and Instant App, Which Shows the Status of Stations.

" Vite Un Bicloo " allows you to know in real time the number of places and bikes available at a Bicloo station, throughout the city of Nantes. The application is particularly light, and requires little network and battery, to offer instant results. Thanks to the unfolding menu (located on the left), the user can know the condition of each station in several ways:

- "Address search": start typing an address, suggestions appear automatically; By clicking on one of them, all the stations near the address are listed.

- "Map mode": geolocalize yourself, and all the nearby stations appear on the map. By clicking on one of them, his condition appears.

- "Around me": all the stations around you appear in a list (as well as the distances that separate you from them); Pull the list down to refresh it.

- "by city": browse all the cities where Bicloo locations are. Filter by station name.

- "Favorites": this mode allows you to keep in memory the bicloo stations that you use most often.

By clicking on a Bicloo station, the user is informed of his condition (number of bikes available, number of free locations), but also of a host of other details: is it possible to credit their account at this station? Is it closed? Is it a "bonus station"? ...

The number of places and bikes available is provided by the JCDecaux open data service, which refreshes its data approximately every five minutes. The detailed view allows you to know how many minutes and seconds the last data refreshment has taken place.

A context menu is linked to each station, accessible by the three small points located to the right of each, allowing an addition to the favorites, a situation on the card or even a GPS navigation towards the station.

Good road with Vite Un Bicloo !

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