VHV Schadenservice -
With the free app of the VHV you are prepared for every claim.
What to do in a car accident? How do I register as soon as possible my damages? Whether minor or major accidents - with the free VHV Schadenapp you are prepared for any claim.
You can count on:
• Easy damage report by phone or online
• Behavior at accident
• Emergency numbers
Brand new and free for VHV customers: Severe weather warnings for severe weather.
If you have registered in the VHV Schadenapp with their license plate and a zip code, we will send you weather alerts via push when a heavy storm threatens. So you can protect your car before it breaks.
What's New in the Latest Version 3.0.1
Last updated on Sep 7, 2022 Zeit für Veränderung!Wechseln Sie jetzt zur neuen VHV App.
Eine komplett überarbeitete App, mit vielen neuen Funktionen, steht im
Appstore für Sie bereit.
Die neue App finden Sie hier:
Freundlich grüßt Sie
VHV Versicherungen