Triangle Parade of Homes

Triangle Parade of Homes Practical Tools
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • 3.43MB

Triangle Parade of Homes -

Triangle Parade of Homes is a free open house of new homes in the Triangle.

The Triangle Parade of Homes is an open house of NEW homes in the Triangle area of North Carolina and attracts a wide audience from design idea hunters to mild house hunters to the serious new home buyer. Some new homes are decorated, but overall these Parade homes represent the newest selection that the Triangle area has to offer from local homebuilders.

The Triangle Parade of Homes is sponsored by the Home Builders Association of Raleigh-Wake (County) and Durham, Orange and Chatham Counties. There are more than 250 Parade homes throughout the Triangle that will be open and listed for sale from $200,000 to $2 Million.

The tour is free to attend and you’re invited to view the Triangle’s newest homes and communities during the first three weekends in October – Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12-5pm!

Before you go on your new Triangle Parade tour, plan your route. Depending on your point of origin, you can easily see five homes or more in one day, or half-day, if you’re ambitious. Use the website or this new app to search homes by location, feature, or builder. We hope you enjoy this year’s Triangle Parade of Homes!

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