Track Friends

Track Friends Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.52
  • 4.11MB

Track Friends -

Track your friends,family,children and beloved ones realtime on map.

With Track Friends, you can follow your friends’,family members’,beloved ones’,childrens’,wife’s,husband’s location realtime on map free.

★ The application only shares your location with the person you add as a friend.

★ If you login with Facebook, the application automatically informs you whenever one of your friends start using Track Friends. So, you can easily send a friend request with one click.

★ At the ’Friends List’ screen, you can see your friends last location address and last location update time. And with one click you can see their location on map. Moreover, with free of charge, you can view your friends last 20 historical locations.

★ You can enable ‘nearby notification’ option for each of your friend. The application will inform you when your friends are nearby.

★ Location of your friends are automatically updated with 15-30-45-60 minutes interval (can be modified by user in options menu). You can also update your friends locations immediately with one click.


You can contact me by ;

- Using the in-app live chat button,

- Emaling to [email protected],

- twitter page,

- facebook page,


Tag : Cell Phone Tracker, Find, Friend Locator, GPS Android App, GPS Locator, GPS Navigation, GPS Tracker, GPS Tracking, Lost Phone, Phone Locator, Phone Tracking, stolen, Track Friends, Tracking Girlfriend Cell Phone

What's New in the Latest Version 1.52

Last updated on Aug 1, 2015 * various bug fixes

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