Tonic Token

Tonic Token Casual Intelligence
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.1
  • 5.53MB

Tonic Token -

Let the board explode !

Tonic Token is a reflexion game played on a board.

The object is to eliminate all opponent's token, creating an explosion chain.

Game is turn based. Each player must put a token on a free square, or a square already owned by him.

The capacity of a square equals the number of (orthogonally) adjacent squares it has (2 in the corners, 3 on the sides). Once the token count reaches this capacity, the square explodes and the content is spread out on adjacent squares.

Game also ends if play time has elapsed.

Log in with your Google account to earn Achievements and compete with your friends for the highest scores on the leaderboards !

What's New in the Latest Version 3.1

Last updated on Jul 30, 2016 Version 3.1
Some graphics and translation issues fixes.
Previous 5x5 intermediate leaderboard is deprecated.

Version 3.0
Google play games services support added : log in with your Google account to earn Achievements and compete with your friends for the highest scores on the leaderboards !

Version 2.2

Timer used to run in background when the game was paused (during an incoming call or a switch to home screen).

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