Tiger Fan Wallpapers -
A rare pigmentation variant of the White Tiger.
- The Tiger is the largest species of the cat family.
- They live in hot, humid and wet jungles.
- There are variety species of tiger which are still alive today include South China, Sumatran, Bengal, Indochinese and Siberian.
- Siberian is the biggest type of tiger in the word.
- Many subspecies of the tiger are either endangered or already extinct. Humans are the primary cause of this through hunting and the destruction of habitats.
Source and Location of Tiger:
- Siberian Tiger know as Panthera Tigris Altaica live in Siberia in Russia, North China or North Korea.
- Caspian Tiger know as Panthera Tigris Virgat live in Caspain Sea Region of Russia, Iran and Afganistan.
- South China Tiger know as Panthera Tigris Amonensis only available in China.
- Indo-Chinese Tiger know as Panthera Tigris Corbetti live in Laos, Vietname, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Myanamar.
- Sumatran Tiger know as Panthera Tigris Sumatrae live in Sumatra of Indonesia.
- Javan Tiger know as Panthera Tigris Sondaicus live in Java of Indonesia.
- Bali Tiger know as Panthera Tigris Balica live in Java of Indonesia.
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