The SCP Foundation DB cn nn5n -
The SCP Foundation Chinese offline database on your Android device!
Original project you can find here:
For people, who don't know what is it. This is a lot Fantastic stories about different anomaly creatures, things, places. Is all try research and safe The SCP Foundation. All stories is not real, but I strongly not recommend read or install this program for the faint of heart!.
This is a Chinese version.
Also you can find
Korean full version:
French full version:
English light version:
Russian light version:
Attention! After installation, program unpacking cache. You need 100Mb free space on your sdcard!
Program have advertise module.
- Menu contains: "Start page", "Favorite", "Online Comments", "Open in web", "Change theme", "Search" and "Next" buttons.
- More than 1500 pages for read.
- Press "Open URL", and you will open current page on original The SCP Foundation site.
If you have any questions or advice, please write to me.
This application is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License: