The Attack -
This is a turn-based game whose goal is to catch the opponent's flag. You can play in solo versus three different level AI, or you can play versus one other player with the 'pass and play' mode, 'wifi' mode or 'bluetooth' mode. Choose a mode, pick a color and let the war begin !
The Attack is an adaptation of a boardgame from the start of the 20th century called "L'Attaque". This old boardgame inspired the more recent and more known boardgame "Stratego".
Coming soon :
New mode : Online multiplayer
## The Attack features ##
- Free and complete.
- Available in 5 languages : English, French, German, Spanish and Dutch.
- 4 games modes : solo, multi 'pass and play', multi by 'wifi', multi by 'bluetooth'.
- 2 maps sizes : '5x5' for a quick game and '10x10' for authenticity.
- 10 pieces colors : Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Black, White, Purple, Gray, Pink and Cyan.
- 4 maps backgrounds available.
- Auto-save of your current game.