Test for talant

Test for talant Text Puzzle
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.10
  • 4.79MB

Test for talant -

Identify your hidden talent!

Identify your hidden talent!

It is widely believed that talent is only a consequence of innate, genetically determined characteristics of a person or a gift received from God. Years of experimental pedagogical research, led to the version that every normal person has the makings of any talent from birth, and the degree of their development is completely conditioned by a person's upbringing.

Modern scientists isolated certain types of talent possessed by the people in varying degrees. In the early 1980s, Howard Gardner wrote the book "Frames of mind." In this book, he identified nine types of talent, intelligence:

Verbal-linguistic (responsible for the ability to read and write, is inherent to journalists, writers and lawyers, linguists).

Digital (characteristic of mathematicians, programmers).

Hearing (musicians, linguists, linguists).

Spatial (inherent designers and artists).

The physical (they are endowed with athletes and dancers, these people are more easily trained in practice).

Personal (also called emotional, responsible for what a man says to himself).

Interpersonal (people with this talent often become politicians, orators, merchants, actors).

Talent environment (this talent are endowed with trainers, farmers).

The business - talent (a new generation of thinking imposed by time and money).

What is talent?

In fact - it is a thorough knowledge of the "language of the business", continued his study and the formation of new logical links.

Speaking pragmatically, talent - a quality author's work.

Expressed in emotionally - is the inspiration of the ongoing efforts.

And if you express a sensual style, - a love for their work.

The origins of these skills, I think, laid down in any baby, with some features in the DNA. But the most important condition for the future existence of the child's talent is the surrounding atmosphere.

Let's experimental situation: in a musical family Mozart was born a boy. But the whole period of childhood, he did not hear the music, he did not have a tool (albeit for reasons of force majeure). I would get out of it composer? - No!

That is to give all the pearls origin of talent due to heredity is not fair.

A combination of many factors creates the possibility of a certain shot in the sensory manifestation of the thinking-person, called talent.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.10

Last updated on Oct 29, 2016 bugs fix

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