Telugu Alphabets for Kids -
An virtual Telugu language teacher to teach letters, pronunciation & writing
Telugu Alphabets Writing Guru is an virtual Telugu language teacher to teach letters identification, pronunciation & writing (Vowels & Consonants)
1. Reading / Letters learning
- Telugu Alphabets (Vowels, Consonants, Guninthalu, Vottulu) identification
- Pronunciation teaching by voice playback and also in English
- Example word for each letter with a picture, Telugu word, English meaning and Pronunciation.
2.Writing / Tracing
- Provides kids friendly writing environment to start practicing writing starting with drawing lines by connecting dots.
- Provides step by step alphabets writing with animation
- Allows Parent / teacher to record and playback each letter to teach kids / students
- Kids / Students can record the writing and Parent / teacher can verify the same
- Also allows provides drawing and coloring features
3. Quiz to test letters identification
4. Fun based flip & matching game - learning with fun
5. Telugu Words
6. Telugu Rhymes