SweetNSpicy -
Healthy and Delicious Hindi Recipes
Sweet'N'Spicy Hindi Recipes is the largest collection of Hindi recipes powered by fullmeals.com. Sweet'N'Spicy Hindi app has more than 1000+ recipes spread across three major categories Vegetarian, Non-Vegetarian to Vegan.
All the information has been organized and cataloged so that we can relate the recipes by Categories, Foods, and Ingredients. The App also feature the first Calorie calculation engine for Indian recipes.
With Sweet'N'Spicy you can
1. You can browse through all the Categories, Sub Categories and find recipes in each of them.
2. Find the List of Ingredients, Instructions for each recipe along with previous user comments
3. You always have the flexibility to find Alternate recipes for every recipe in case if you don't like one.
4. Calories and Allergies for the needy.
5. Personalize the entire app to match your Diet constraints, eg Vegetarian, Healthy, No Oil or Diabetic recipes
6. Search Recipes by Food Name, Category, Cooking Time etc. You can even search just video recipes.
7. Discover interesting and relevant cooking tips along each recipe.
8. You can find beneficial health tips (natural remedies) from the recipe ingredients.
9. Organize your favorite recipes in My Favorites.
10. You can Ask us question either related to a recipe or general cooking stuff.
11. New to Indian Food? Basics will be handy.
12. Checkout Community section to figure out what others do in Sweet'N'Spicy.
13. Rate and review recipes with pictures. Share recipes with your friends.
14. Follow your favorite Cook (Recipe Authors)
15. My Kitchen feature which lets you to find out the matching recipes with the ingredients in hand or fridge.
android.permission.INTERNET - To Load Content
android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - For Advertisements
android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION - For Advertisements
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Warns you if no network available
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Cache Recipe Information and Images
com.android.vending.BILLING - Upgrade Sweet'N'Spicy to remove Ads
What's New in the Latest Version 2.1
Last updated on Aug 29, 2015 Now shows even more recipesImproved navigation and interface
Added support for high resolution devices
Removed unused permissions