Supermarkt Finder

Supermarkt Finder Online Shopping
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 29
  • 1.18MB

Supermarkt Finder -

Find supermarkets and food discounters in your area.

Aldi (north), Aldi (Sued), Aral Petitro, Edeka, Familia, Globus, Hit, Jibi, Kaisers, Kaufland, Lidl, Markant, Metro, Netto, Netto Discounter, Norma, Penny, Real, Rewy, Tengelmann, Toom

Over 22,000 supermarkets across Germany and more every day

### supermarket and discounter ###

- Aldi (north)

- Aldi (sued)

- Aral Petitro

- Edeka

- Globus

- hit

- Jibi

- Kaisers

- Kaufland

- Lidl

- striking

- metro

- Netto

- Netto discounter

- Norma

- Penny

- real

- Rewe

- Sky

- Tengelmann

- toom

- *and more*

Software functions:

- Have the next supermarkets and discounters displayed in your area

- touch a supermarket and let Google Maps navigate on foot or by car

- Look for supermarkets that interest you, for example, Rewe

- Location: Enter any place in Germany in the text field and then have the supermarkets displayed there (only in the Pro version)

- touch a supermarket and have a lot of additional information displayed

Community functions:

- Add supermarket

- Edit supermarket

- Rate the supermarket

- write experience report

- Mark supermarket as existing/do not exist

Tags: supermarket, find, search, search, food trade, shopping, discounter

What's new in the Latest version 29

Last updated on Jul 23, 2015 - 102 Familia supermarkets added

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