Scan My Receipts

Scan My Receipts Business Office
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.3
  • 4.34MB

Scan My Receipts -

Scan you daily receipt and save it in your mobile phone in category

Scan My Receipts will help you keep your receipt in your device instead of in your wallet or old shoe box

Do you travel for business? Own investment properties requiring you to keep purchase receipts? Have ever forget where you put your receipt away when you need it? Receipt Keeper wants to help you organize your life, capture your receipt at the time of transaction, save it int device automatically. It could both save paper receipt and paperless receipt from email or webpage by automatically store your screen capture file.


• - Scan your paper receipt by capture the photo and save it in device

• - Save your paperless receipt by auto store the screen capture file

• - Save your receipt in cloud drive and the remote storage

• - User could edit individual receipt - where you spent and how much

• - Daily summary in first page

• - User are able to delete it by swap it away

• - User are able to share it to email or other social media

• - User are free to edit the receipt by click the receipt image

• - User are free to choose the category form category menu

• - Keep track of your expenses

• - Save images of receipts

• - Excellent UI, easy to understand and very efficient

• - Remember perfect date of receiving or spending money

• - Keep records of your financial transactions

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