Santa Biblia Reina Valera 1960 -
Holy Bible King James 1960 Free
Install the new version of the app:
It is totally in Spanish, classified as:
- The Old Testament
- The New Testament
- The Pentateuch
- Historical books
- Poetic books
- Major prophets
- Minor prophets
- The Gospels
- Biblical help
It has functionalities such as:
- Add verses to favorites
- Create notes to verses
- Word search, full or partial phrases
- Life bread
- Share verses with contacts by: mail, SMS, Facebook, Twiter, etc.
- Widget for the desktop
- Title sources size configuration
- Source Setting verses Setting
- Includes audio option for all Bible chapters (requires Internet).
- Read the notes in "Reading Solo" mode.
- It does not require Internet connection for its operation.
- Contains a brief explanatory summary of each book.
- Nice, dark graphic design and interface for battery savings.
- Move to the SD external card.