Ruble's Wrestling Game

Ruble's Wrestling Game Action-adventure
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1.0
  • 15.16MB

Ruble's Wrestling Game -

Win the wrestling World Heavyweight Championship Title with Ruble's Wrestling!

Ruble's Wrestling Game is a slot machine or fruit machine style, wrestling themed skill game.

The General Manager of the Real True Wrestling promotion has set Giant Ruble a massive task. He must run the gauntlet of 7 tough wrestlers in a row to get a shot at The Poison Arrow and the RTW World Heavyweight Championship Title.

Giant Ruble must beat all 8 top-class wrestlers by either pinfall or submission, with barely a chance to catch his breath between matches if he is to walk away as the champion.

Unlike slots or fruit machines in a casino that have pre-set results or win sequences, Ruble's Wrestling Game is a skill game using slot machine style reels, but where the reels stop is entirely up to your skill and judgement.

Can you help Giant Ruble win the RTW World Heavyweight Championship Title in this slots style skill game?

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