Rom Manager Janitor

Rom Manager Janitor Practical Tools
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.9
  • 92.26KB

Rom Manager Janitor -

Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.

Automatically deletes old backups from rom manager so you don't have to.

You select how old of backups and/or how many you want to keep and then forgot about it.

Ignores backups with custom names. So anything not like 2011-02-25-14.29.23, 2011-02- or ScheduledBackup-2011-02-25-14.29.23 will be left alone during cleaning.

Run once and then forget about it. It'll automatically do cleans on boot from then onwards.

Excellent if you like to install the CyanogenMod nightlies every day or for those who like to run scheduled backups.

Want more options/features? Send me an email about what you want.


•Root (Android 4.2+ only)

•ClockWorkMod or TWRP (To make the backups. Rom Manager Janitor doesn't actually use it)

•ROM Manager (Since this is a cleanup tool for ROM Manager ;)

What's New in the Latest Version 2.9

Last updated on Aug 16, 2015 2.9:Date filtering wasn't working on some devices. Fixed.
2.8:Support for TWRP new naming convention for backups
2.7:Support for ClockWorkMod Recovery's gz backup format
Added support for external storage on KitKat
2.6:Just some bug fixes
2.5:Support for a lot of devices, and root for those pesky 4.2 droids
2.4:Support for Galaxy S3
2.3:Support for TeamWin Recovery

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