Rest -
Rest is the beautiful way to manage quiet hours for your Android 4.x device
UPDATE: Rest is no longer necessary! Android Marshmallow (6.0) now includes identical functionality, with deeper integration with the OS. It is recommended that you remove Rest if you have updated to this version of Android, since it will not play nicely with the native functionality. Also, please note that support for Android 5.x remains experimental, so try before you buy.
Rest is the beautiful way to manage quiet hours for your Android phone or tablet.
Quiet hours made easy: Select a start and end times by dragging their handles around a clock. No complex schedules. No fuss.
Never miss an important call: Choosing a contact as an exemption guarantees you won't miss their call - no matter which number they call you from.
Respond to emergencies: Multiple calls from the same number within a short period of time will always ring your phone, even during quiet hours.
Rest up in style: Rest fills your screen with new colours every day, growing brighter and darker with the sun.
Silence during meetings: Automatically silence your device during meetings or events from calendars of your choice (unlockable via in-app purchase)
App Permissions:
- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED and MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS to control phone ringer mode
- READ_CONTACTS and READ_PHONE_STATE for exemption feature
- READ_CALL_LOG and READ_PHONE_STATE for emergency calls feature
- READ_CALENDAR for calendar-based silencing feature
- BILLING for in-app purchases
What's New in the Latest Version 1.8.0
Last updated on Oct 15, 2015 Version 1.8.0- Blocking devices running Android 6+ since that version of Android natively includes all of Rest's functionality.