Prosperity - Italy 1434

Prosperity - Italy 1434 Card Strategy
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: Attack and Defence
  • 73.43MB

Prosperity - Italy 1434 -

Become the most powerful Italian Nobleman of the Middle Ages!

Prosperity: a game that will allow you to get into a time machine. Enter the world of Prosperity and you will travel around Medieval Italy. You will experience the beginning of wonderful craftsmanship activities, while discovering the secrets of the economy of the period. Enjoy the wealth of a great empire, get challenged into missions to live firsthand the feelings of an era that becomes reality only through history books.

You will be able to choose and propose weddings in your village, in order to build alliances with other noble families.

Improve your village and its resources.

Choose your army and fight to become the most powerful Nobleman of 1434!

Compete against other players and if you will be enough brave and successful, every 15 days you could be elected as chief, receiving the honor and fame.

Anything else? Yes, strategy, adventure, further contents.

What's New in the Latest Version Attack and Defence

Last updated on Nov 28, 2022 Minor bug fixed
Introduced new functionality: Player can change their base!

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