Pre-K Phonics KizPhonics Lite -
Learn 26 letters & beginning sounds of the alphabet, free version only Aa to Dd
This is the free version which offers only the first 4 letters free with an in-app link to the full version.
In this app, children will learn to distinguish between the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet while learning the beginning sounds of letters and three new words beginning with each letter. This is the first step in learning to read. Children will learn phonemic and print awareness in these activities. These videos and games are part of our preschool phonics program on
This app works great with our KIZ PHONICS BOOK 1 for Preschool & Low Kindergarten. It is a great complementary product and is suitable for children between the ages of 2 - 6 years of age.
VIDEOS: The videos cover the 26 letters of the alphabet and are song-based lessons. Song-based lessons are great for children of a young age who are beginning their journey into reading. Songs help children learn twice as fast. In a single letter-sound video, you child learns the names of letters, capital and small letters, beginning sounds of letters and three words that begin with the sound of the letter.
GAMES: Every video is accompanied by a finger tracing/multiple choice fun activity to reinforce what is learned in the videos. These activities are carefully designed to help kids learn and practice the writing order of letters, distinguish between capital and small letters while learning the names and sounds of letters.
The app is your preschool and kindergarten early reading development companion, based on the proven methods of phonics.
Reading specialists were behind the development of the app, making sure pronunciation of letter sounds were accurate. You will hear the letter sounds as they are supposed to be, especially the consonants which other programs tend to mispronounce with the erroneous 'uh' addition. It is /b/ not /buh/. A good beginning is essential at this stage.
Letters of the alphabet & words to learn:
Letter Aa: astronaut, apple, ant
Letter Bb: banana, ball, bat
Letter Cc: carrot, cat, cap
Letter Dd: dancing, dog, duck
Letter Ee: elephant, egg, elf
Letter Ff: flower, fish, foot
Letter Gg: guitar, goose, goat
Letter Hh: horse, hen, hat
Letter Ii: iguana, igloo, ink
Letter Jj: jacket, juice, jet
Letter Kk: kangaroo, kitten, kite
Letter Ll: lemon, lion, lamp
Letter Mm: monkey, moon, mouse
Letter Nn: nest, nose, nut
Letter Oo: octopus, otter, ox
Letter Pp: pencil, panda, pear
Letter Qq: question, queen, quail
Letter Rr: rabbit, rooster, rose
Letter Ss: sunshine, seagull, seal
Letter Tt: turtle, teddy, tie
Letter Uu: umbrella, under, up
Letter Vv: volcano, vet, van
Letter Ww: window, wolf, wig
Letter Xx: x-ray, fox, six
Letter Yy: yellow, yo-yo, yak
Letter Zz: zebra, zero, zoo