Oracle IQ

Oracle IQ Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.1
  • 1.59MB

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Oracle Interview Questions provides you a wide range of questions that can be asked during a Interview. Application answers most commonly asked interview questions and has been categories for ease.

This app is unique in that it helps you master the most commonly asked questions, instilling you with the confidence that you need to endure the most difficult of interviews.


1.1000+ questions that prepare you for any type of interview on Oracle.

2.Provide an option for user to practice his/her own answers as your application will present your with question. User can think of his answer then compare how his answer is different from our answer.

3.Interview Questions has been categories for ease of use.

4.The Application Covers a wide range of questions related to oracle. You may not be interested in all of them so please select the Categories in which you are interested.


Application Cover questions from Following 22 broad Categories.

1.Database Administration

2.Oracle Database Architecture

3.Database Security Oracle

4.Oracle Distributed Processing

5.Oracle Flexfield

6.Oracle Memory Management

7.Oracle Accounts Receivable (AR)

8.Oracle Backup and Recovery

9.Oracle Basic

10.Oracle D2K

11.Oracle Data Access

12.Oracle Database (main)

13.Oracle DBA

14.Oracle Developer

15.Oracle ETL

16.Oracle General Ledger (GL)

17.Oracle PL-SQL

18.Oracle Programmatic Constructs

19.Oracle Scenarios

20.Oracle Security

21.Oracle Technology Network (OTN)

22.SQL Plus

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