NBench for Android -
Android NBench is a native port of BYTE's BYTEmark CPU benchmark.
Useful for developers only !
Android NBench is a native port of BYTE's BYTEmark CPU benchmark.
The benchmark was designed to expose the capabilities of a system's CPU, FPU, memory and C compiler performance. Supports Arm v5, Arm v7, x86 and Mips32 CPUs. Only a SINGLE core is benchmarked, but it gives real world results since few applications use more than one core.
The results can be published and seen on http://www.tux.org/~mayer/ and lets you compare your Android phone with desktop computers or high-end servers.
What's New in the Latest Version 1.4
Last updated on Jul 12, 2017 v1.4- Fixed an incompatibility with ARM 64 platformsv1.3- Support for 64 bits processors and Lolipop.
v1.2- Android Nbench can benchmark x86 devices. History function added. Gcc 4.6.0 was used.