
myCarrefour Online Shopping
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 4.9.6
  • 27.42MB

myCarrefour -

myCarrefour Download the app and stay connected with your favorite store.

Download the myCarrefour app now and always carry the Carrefour world with you!

The myCarrefour app allows you to find the nearest point of sale open to you, to use the Passarapido service, to receive exclusive promotions and discounts, to stay updated on all the offers of your favorite Carrefour store and to keep the points balance under control of your PAYBACK card.

Among the many features available for you:

• The Passarapido service that allows you, in authorized sales points, to directly scan the products and pay in a dedicated box by skipping the queue. Furthermore, at any time you can check your spending account by checking the final balance of your cart.

• You can find out all the details of the store nearest to you by consulting the timetables, the calendar of special openings, the departments and the available services.

• You have the ability to view flyers and promotional offers from each Carrefour store

• Select a favorite store and activate push notifications, you will always be updated on all related discounts and promotions!

• You can always keep an eye on your PAYBACK card points balance

• Through the QR code reader, integrated in the APP, you can read the information you find in the store, on products, promotions and communication materials

• Check the prices of Carrefour petrol and diesel distributors and find the cheapest one near you

• Write down your shopping lists using the Memo Spesa

What's New in the Latest Version 4.9.6

Last updated on Jun 20, 2019 Fare la spesa è più semplice, con il nuovo aggiornamento è presente un miglioramento della funzionalità Passarapido che ti permette di mantenere il tuo carrello senza la necessità di riscannerizzare il QR code. Per fornire servizi e contenuti sempre più nuovi e personalizzati, lavoriamo continuamente per migliorare la nostra applicazione. Attiva gli aggiornamenti automatici per non perderti le ultime novità.

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