My Eurovision Scoreboard -
Listen to all Eurovision songs, rate them with your friends & share your results
My Eurovision Scoreboard is the first App allowing you to rate your favorite Eurovision songs in a totally new and connected way. This is the ultimate ESC rating App, made with love by one ESC fan, for all ESC fans around the world! Features :
• Listen to your favorite Eurovision songs every year and rate them
• Get your own 12-points top and publish it everywhere
• Follow your friends or other users and see how they voted
• Create groups and directly calculate your common results
• Check the rankings from our Community of more than 100'000 users
• Compare with the official results released shortly after the shows
• Keep an archive of all your ratings and rankings, year after year
• Unlock access to the Eurovision Semifinals & Grand Final line-ups
• Also, unlock access to most of the National Final line-ups every season (Melodifestivalen, Melodi Grand Prix, Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu, Supernova, Eesti Laul, Selecția Națională, Festivali I Këngës, Festival Da Canção, Söngvakeppnin, Sanremo, Pabandom Iš Naujo, Benidorm Fest, Eurosong...)
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X (Twitter) : @EuroScoreboard
Instagram : @myeurovisionscoreboard
Spotify : myeurovisionscoreboard
If you have a question about the app, wanna report a bug or just say "hi", feel free to contact us at : [email protected]