Munas HIPMI -
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Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI), a youth entrepreneurship organization, will hold itís 15th National Summit (MUNAS XIV) at Bandung, Jawa Barat, start from 11 to 13 January 2015. The main agenda of this event, is to elect General Chairman of HIPMI for 2015-2018.
This application will help you during the event, even before!
Know your candidates better, The Candidate feature will show you candidates's profile,Bayu Priawan Djokosoetono, Priamanaya Djan, Bahlil Lahadalia, dan Andika Anindyaguna. You can vote everyday by this sub feature and see the result for your favorite candidate.
In Munas HIPMI at a Glance feature, you can find everything about the event, including the schedules. This feature is also completed by map to help you go to the venue.
You can join photo contest in Upload Photo Contest feature. Upload your photo and get the cool prizes from HIPMI!
Check in yourself in Check In feature. Know how many people in the room with this feature also. Meet your friends and have fun!
Get this app in your iOS now and show your support to your favorite candidate every day!