Movies Hub -
Get the latest movie reviews and ratings.
If you love movies, this app is for you! We bring the best across the spectrum when it comes to ratings of the film reviews. This is your one-stop app for ratings across movies from Hollywood, Bollywood, Tollywood and Kollywood. The simple and intuitive interface within the app lists the recent moviez and their corresponding “critic ratings”. These ratings are aggregated from popular web sites.
To keep it even more fair, we allow the users i.e. YOU to rate any movie in the list. The aggregated user rating is then calculated based on what WE, the movie going, ticket buying junta have got to say!
Features within the app include:
Listing of latest films across different categories.
Ability for users to rate and review the movie
Aggregated user rating
Ability to mark any of the film in your “WatchList”
List of upcoming movies
Data charges may occur upon using this application.
We hope that your movie going and rating experience is enriched by this app!