Mikhael & Olivia Wedding -
Wedding Information, Galleries and Updates on Mikhael & Olivia Wedding 16/12/17.
Personal Apps that is tailor made for Mikhael & Olivia Wedding.
What's Inside:
- Bride and Groom's Love Story
- Exclusive Engagement, Pre-wedding, and Wedding Photo Galleries.
- Pre-wedding, and Wedding Videos
- Location Info and Directories
- Wedding day Info: Holy Matrimony, Wedding Reception, etc. (Date, Time and Place)
- Information on what to do while visiting Surabaya during the Wedding Week.
- Notification reminders for date and time during our special day.
This app is dedicated to provide the guests all sort of information they might need before and during the wedding week. Feel free to uninstall this app after the Reception Night or simply stay with us for more updates on Mikhael and Olivia marriage adventure.
With Love,
Mikhael and Olivia