MH4U Hunter's Guide -
The Completeish guide of Monster Hunter 4U pocket Guide, knowledge is power.
The Completeish guide of Monster Hunter 4U pocket Guide, have is app in your pocket while on the hunt, know all you need with this app to help you on your journey to G rank.
What's in the app:
- Monsters - All type of Monsters in the game
- Quests - know the key and urgent quests
- Area - knowing your way around the map
- Awards - how to collect all the awards
- Decoration - what each decorations do
- Item combination - the full combo of items
- Food Combination - what skills for different food combo
- Material Exchange - lists of materials you can get by swapping
- Hunting Horn Notes - The Note combo for effects
- Armour Skill - list of skills and the effect of each one
- Locations of ore, bugs, fish
The App will be continue to be updated to make it better so any suggestions are welcomed
All Images are drawn by me, if any need improving, let me know
Acknowledgements (Sources I used to gather data for this app):
Monster Hunter Wikia
MH4U Ping's Dex
This app is not an official guide nor associated with the game's developer or publisher.
v1.0.4 - added a list of just Key/ Urgent quests for both Village and Guide quests
- updated Material Exchange list
- added Raging Brachydios and Chaotic Gore Magala
v1.1 - added Hunting Horn Melodies
- removed pop up add when open app
v1.1.1 - localize all quest names
- added areas the monsters appears in under monsters
v1.2 - award list updated
v1.3 - fixed carve rates
- fixed quests and sub quests
- added feature to go to monster page by tapping monster icon in quests selection
v1.4 - list of weakest part of the monster
- which status effect/items the monster can be affected
- kinsect extracts colours on monsters
v1.4.1 - updated maps
- updated awards list
v1.5 - added description of armour skills
v1.6 - fix monster infos
v1.7 - added materials locations of ore, fish and bugs
v1.7.1 - corrected some infos