Material Tabs Demo -
Sample app for the pizza/MaterialTabs library on GitHub
Sample app for the pizza/MaterialTabs library on GitHub, which mimics the tab bar shown in Google's Material Design specs sheet:
Check out the GitHub repo for more information:
Note: the Internet permission is required for Crashlytics (sending crash reports automatically).
Keywords: tab bar, tabs, tab, material design, material, design, toolbar, tabhost, tab host, tab layout, pager, view pager, viewpager, PagerSlidingTabStrip
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.7
Last updated on Apr 7, 2016 Updated library to version 2.0.5 which includes:- When using the default TextViews in tabs, you can specify the typeface used for selected and unselected states separately.
- When using custom views in tabs, you should implement two callbacks: onCustomTabViewSelected(...) and onCustomTabViewUnselected(...) to be able to do whatever you want to do with the view that was just selected or unselected (such as changing the Drawable in an ImageView)
Added back button to TabsActivity.