MasterCook -
MasterCook offers you more ways than ever to collect and organize your recipes!
The MasterCook Android App is the perfect way to get the most out of your recipes and your subscription to Your subscription to lets you collect and organize up to 50,000 recipes! (Or start with our free, trial subscription and collect up to 25 recipes). Here’s what you can do with the MasterCook App for Android:
Download recipes online with just 1 click
Organize recipes into custom cookbooks
Scale recipe serving size in just 1 click!
Create shopping lists from recipes with just 1 click!
Search your recipes based on cuisine, category, cookbook or title
Create group cookbooks and share with friend and family
The MasterCook App for Android devices also connects you with MasterCook 15 software for Windows PCs, which allows you to obtain nutritional information for recipes, add ingredient costs to perform cost analysis, find ingredient substitutions and create menus and meals plans. It also comes with 30 cookbooks, over 8000 recipes and includes a more robust search tool!
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