LS Calling Cards

LS Calling Cards Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.55
  • 1.42MB

LS Calling Cards -

CallingCards-App (e.g., for international calling) with EXCLUSIVE FEATURES!

Allows you to easily call with pre-configure calling cards.

ATTENTION: it can make your international, long-distance and mobile calls up to 98% CHEAPER!!!

An important PECULIARITY of this program:

With the ability to use MULTIPLE "calling cards" you can make your calls EVEN CHEAPER! For example, when calling to France you can use a card "ABC" (because it is the cheapest tariff for calls to this country), and for calls to China card "XYZ" (also because of the price or better communication).

All you need is to enter just once the data of the "calling cards" you use (access number, PIN etc.) and to define rules and exceptions to choice them.

You can proceed with using your favorite apps of contacts or dials-up. LS Calling Cards catches "expensive" phone numbers due to preset rules and redirect them to access numbers from "calling cards".

Features of this program:

The concept of LS Calling Cards is "don't force the user to do that what you (the app) can do". This program, for example, can:

* identify codes of countries by name;

* identify the type of number (mobile, landline etc.) in those countries, where it's possible, using only the phone number;

* identify the regional prefix , that stays before the national code of the country (for example, 011 in the USA, 00 in the EU).

* automatically switch between the rules (cards) at the BORDER CROSSINGS (not for CDMA!)

* automatically switch between the rules (cards) when changing SIM-cards

* adapt a rule to the type of number from the phone book. For example, when you have free phone calls within your network "XYZ" you can change the type of number in your phone book from "mobile" to "XYZ" and then register appropriate exception in LS Calling Cards. After that the app will dial this number directly.

* regex (expert mode)

The app can also be particular useful for users of Fritz!Box, Asterisk, OpenPBX and other IP-PBXs (private branch exchange)!


No! You need an internet connection just to install the app. You can do it at home via WiFi / WLAN. After setting up the app to make calls, you do not need more internet! The program uses a conventional telephone network (GSM or CDMA) without the use of the Internet protocols about VoIP or SIP directly!


You can compare prices and buy phone cards, e.g., here:

or search for it on a search engine with query about "calling cards for international calls".

You can use ANY COMBINATION from the following phone cards: Skype To Go, Tesco, easybell, WORLD CALLS, WORLD ACCESS, GLOBAL CONNECT, Bingo, GO BANANAS, BALABOLKA, FOX FLAT, Goupil, Linea, MobileCall, Mox, Merkur, Rebtel, vonage, Betamax, Finarea, Dellmont, 12voip, actionvoip, budgetsip, budgetvoip, budgetvoipcall, calleasy, callingcredit, callpirates, cheapbuzzer, cheapvoip, cheapvoipcall, cosmovoip, dialcheap, dialnow, discountcalling, easycallback, easyvoip, freecall, fastvoip, freevoipdeal, frynga, globalfreecall, hotvoip, internetcalls, intervoip, jumblo, justvoip, lowratevoip, megavoip, mobyler, netappel, nonoh, pennyconnect, poivy, powervoip, rebvoice, rynga, scydo, sipdiscount, smartvoip, smsdiscount, smslisto, stuntcalls, supervoip, sparvoip, telbo, voipalot, voicetrading, voipan, voipblast, voipbuster, voipbusterpro, voipcaptain, voipcheap, voipcheap, voipchief, voipdiscount, voipgain, voipjumper, voiphit, voipmove, voipraider, voipsmash, voipstunt, voipwise, voipyo, voipzoom, webcalldirect and more other!

The reason for the use of certain permission:


- Used for the possibility of adapting the rules to the telephone code of the city.


- Used to be able to adapt to the rules to the country of origin of the SIM card.


- Used, e.g., to update the embedded database of telephone country codes etc.


You can support future development:

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What's New in the Latest Version 1.55

Last updated on Jan 1, 2019 V1.55.79

- Adapted to Android 8.0.

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