Le BDouin (Muslim'Show) -
Le BDouin (Muslim'Show)Get all our news and publications on your mobile!
Le BDouin
Do you know the muslims' adventures narrated with humor by the authors of Muslim'Show comics?
Get now our latest publications and news on your smartphone or tablet.
- A gallery with all our publications!
- Direct access to our Facebook page to not miss any of our adventures
- Be the first to comment, like and share our publications
- Get direct access to our Twitter account to share with us ^_^
- Share funny stories with your friends
Today's content:
- Islamic reminders, ethics, good behavior and living together
- Moral lessons with a bit of humor
- Comics accessible and recommended from 1 to 111 years
Coming soon:
- Exclusive content reserved to "Le BDouin" application users -_^
Feel free to rate our app and share it around!
About access rights:
You need to know that as soon as an application need to get an Internet access or interact with Facebook, Twitter or even allow you to share, like and download images to your device these rights are necessary.
BDouin do not collect any private information (we don't even know who has downloaded the app)
Rights like Camera, Mic, Calls etc... are there to allow the system to close or hide the during these operations (i.e. when someone call you).
Barak'Allahu fikoum for your confidence and for following us ^_^
What's New in the Latest Version
Last updated on Aug 5, 2015 + Access to "Le BDouin Blog" with exclusive content, making off and articles+ New app icon
+ New splashscreen
The official application of BDouin studios now available on Android smartphones and tablets.
Retrieve the adventures of the Muslim'Show characters thru a new style and with much more content!