Kids Stories

Kids Stories Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.1.1
  • 50MB

Kids Stories -

Free Offline Interactive Kids Stories for the new generation!

Free Offline Interactive Kids Stories for the new generation!

Listen the stories with audio and text.

Few Story Names

* A Different Take on Halloween

* A Flower a Day

* A Forced Christmas

* A Frog and a Frying Pan

* A Letter Soup

* A Lion without a Roar

* A Madman in the City

* A Pessimistic Dog

* A Resentful Thumb

* A Village on the Road

* An Allergic Wizard

* An Insignificant Task

* An Octopus in Trouble

* An Unexpected Arrival

* Art Town

* August Heat

* Balloon Acrobatics

* Bigmouth Fox

* Billy Peck, Tightrope Waddler

* Bobby the Mountain Climber

* Boobuan monkeys

* Brave Little Tortoise and the Monster

* Bula, the traveller

* Chess of a Thousand Colours

* Chocolate Tears

* Colourful Animals

* Colourless Tiger

* Duck Race

* Earth, Swallow Me Up

* Edward and the Dragon

* Fear is soft and smooth

* Fiona Famous

* Fleabags

* Foolish Lion & clever rabbit

* Forever a Monster

* Fox reared by the lion

* Friends from the Vegetable Patch

* George the Giant

* Grandfather’s Coins

* Hammer Blows

* Happy Endings

* Humility among the Animals

* Hunting for Smiles

* Invitation to the Ball

* Jemima the Nosey Giraffe

* Little Worm is Lost!

* Lola the Whale

* Mirror with a Malfunction

* Modern Nomads

* Monkey and the crocodile

* Music on your plate

* My Little World has Broken

* Never Make Fun of a Rhino

* Peggy’s Talking Pets

* Pillars of the Earth

* Playing with the Sun

* Prince Lapio

* Princess of Fire

* Problems on the Ark

* Robot with a Virus

* Searching for Stars

* Sparky Hooves

* Speedy Snails

* Stickybeard’s Treasure

* That’s Enough!

* The Bad Neighbours

* The Beauty Contest

* the Best Choice

* The Best Robot

* The Big Match

* The Birth of the Turtles

* The blue Jackal

* The Boy Who Always Won

* The Boy who Made a Country Smile

* The Brahmin's gift

* The Brave Boy and the Multicoloured Ghost

* The Brave Little Tortoise and the Monster

* The Careless Clown

* The Carnivorous Plant and the Butcher

* The Cave of the Thousand Treasures

* The Chain of Smiles

* The Cloudsqueezer

* The Cockerel, the Duck, and the Mermaids

* The Crashed Martian

* The Creature in the Attic

* The Day of Silence

* The Deductive Mr. Horsefly

* The Drawing That Talked

* The Evil Goblins

* The Experiments of Miss Ellis

* The Fairy and the Shadow

* The Flying Contest

* The Full Warren

* The Good Pirate

* The great palace of lies

* The greedy cloud

* The greedy jackal

* The Grumpy Tree

* The Hair Thief

* The Happy Sweeper

* The Hypersensor

* The Incredible Black Rain

* The Island Of Inventions

* The Knight and the World

* The Last Dinosaurs

* The Lazy Little Bird

* The Life-Wasting Potion

* The Little Glutton

* The Little Star

* The Magic Coins

* The Magic Key

* The Magic Tree

* The Magic Window

* The Match and the Toy Men

* The Mocking Tiger

* The mongoose and the farmer's wife

* The Moon Lake

* The Mysterious Juggling Clown

* The Mystery of the Missing Coin

* The Old Man on the Moon

* The Opera Singer

* The Origin of Happiness

* The Outing

* the Paper Rocket

* The Pet Sack

* The Photographic Elephant

* The Pleaseometer

* The Poor Bunny's Magic Present

* The potion and the wind

* The Princess without a Palace

* The Prisoners

* The Proudest Parents

* The Queen’s Journey

* The Red Moon

* The Respectful Prince and the Dwarves

* The Safe

* The Sage's daughter

* The Sparrow and the elephant

* The Sword of Peace

* The Ticklish Kid

* The Tidy Toys

* The Toothy Toad

* The Tree and the Vegetables

* The Trick

* The Two Towers

* The Ugly Fairy

* The Unfriendly River

* The Unlucky Merchant

* The Wand That Ran Out

* The Warm Whale

* The Wicked Prince

* The World's Best Warrior

* Trapped in Tidyland

* Trouble in the Science Class

* Tubby, the Pot-bellied Cat

* Two Intelligent Boys

* Waking Nightmare

* Win or Lose

* Works of the Kingdom

What's New in the Latest Version 2.1.1

Last updated on Apr 23, 2020 some bugs fixed

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