kalender Hijri Pasaran

kalender Hijri Pasaran Practical Tools
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.2.1
  • 3.22MB

kalender Hijri Pasaran -

Use Calendar Hiriyah and Java

National Calendar Full

The Islamic calendar,

Javanese calendar,

Calendar market,

Moon Calendar uses pase month,

lets find out the Java market, accompanied by appropriate forms month, date, and also the info Day an important day

#National holiday

#hari important islam.

Worship #info Monthly For Muslims in Menu Hijri

Dynamic widget displays calendar information as well as info today an important day every day

There are 4 Widget No

3 modes of the Gregorian calendar, hijri, Java and phases of the moon

Calendar information holiday

calendar paper

2 hijri calendar mode

THIS is a free application there may be advertising,

If you are annoyed by the ads we have menyediankan pro version without ads and more lightweight application, please buy it.

This application is inshaAllah Safe from Viruses and mallware

** note

* It should be in the know for beberpa day off just as the Chinese New Year, Nyepi, Waicak, isa al still rise. in a given year may vary due to differences in the calculation / calendar china / solar / lunar, and we will continue to improve.

Rate Us or give us your feedback and suggestions so that we can continue to improve this app

What's New in the Latest Version 2.2.1

Last updated on Jan 11, 2017 Versi - 2.2.1 : menambahkan konversi umur dan opsi iklan
Versi - 2.1.2 : fix hijriyah

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