iRecharge Recharge Plan Offers -
iRecharge gives you Mobile Recharge Plans & Offers for India - All Circles
Do you want to get best benefit on prepaid mobile recharge please visit once.
Browse through the common benefit categories - Topup, SMS, Data (GPRS / 2G and 3G), Local, STD, ISD.
You can find details about Topup Vouchers, Special Tariff Vouchers (STV), Combo Vouchers and Full Talk Time offers.
We also Updated Data on regular basis of all operators so you can get latest & best Online Result .
You can find details about Top up Vouchers, Special Tariff Vouchers (STV), Combo Vouchers and Full Talk Time offers , Topup, SMS , Data (GPRS / 2G and 3G).
The information is available for all telecom circles of India.
This Application contains recharge information for following telecom services:
* Airtel
* Aircel
* Idea
* Loop Mobile
* Reliance GSM
* Reliance CDMA
* Tata Docomo
* Tata Indicom
* T24
* Uninor
* Videocon
* Virgin Mobile CDMA
* Virgin Mobile GSM
* Vodafone
We also shortly launch DTH Chanel Guide & DTH & Postpaid Plan on this app.
Note: The tariff shown is based on what is published on the operator website and is applicable for EC (easy) recharge from retail mobile recharge shops. For other modes of recharge, please confirm from your service provider if they support tariff published on the operator website.
*Mobile Recharge Plans
*Mobile Recharge Tariff
*Mobile Recharge Offers