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Get ingenie on your phone
If you have black box car insurance with ingenie, download our free app to get regular feedback, tips and personalised information on your driving.
Every 10 days you’ll get a set of driving feedback messages along with a score out of 100 based on your driving style. The better your score, the bigger your discount at renewal! Keep on track of where you’re driving well and use ingenie’s practical driving advice to help you improve your score.
You'll get feedback on these 4 categories of your driving:
- Speed
- Acceleration
- Braking
- Cornering
Keep on track of where you’re driving well and use ingenie’s practical driving advice to help you reach the top discounts.
The ingenie app includes:
• Driving feedback every 10 days (once you’ve driven 40 miles)
• Driving score out of 100
• Our mileage calculator shows you the miles you have, what you’ve already used and works out if you need to top up
• Guides on how to improve your driving
• Crash guide to help you collect information you’ll need to make a claim
• Frequently asked questions
• Switching between different user accounts and policies
• How to get in touch with ingenie