Informatie Rijksoverheid

Informatie Rijksoverheid Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.1.0
  • 4.41MB

Informatie Rijksoverheid -

At the height of all subjects for your needs with this app.

The App Informatie Rijksoverheid is one of the initiatives with which the central government wants to better connect its information to the information needs of people. You select topics that you want to follow: from owner -occupied home to retirement and from primary education to traffic and transport. Then you only receive messages about developments within 'your' topics. Think of new legislation that comes into effect, provisions that change or plan the government.

We want to further develop this first version of the app together with the users. Do you want to think along with the development of the app? Then switch on the option for push notifications on your mobile phone. Along this road you will be regularly approached with a short survey. Via the feedback option in the app you can let you know at any time what you think of the app: what could be better, what works well, what is missed, etc. The app is further developed based on this feedback.

What's new in the latest version 2.1.0

Last updated on Jul 11, 2017 - Bug Fixes

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