iCalendar and Reminders Sync

iCalendar and Reminders Sync Business Office
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.29
  • 5.38MB

iCalendar and Reminders Sync -

Synchronize (2 ways) Your Calendars and Reminders by Apple iCloud

iCloud Reminder & Calendar Sync (2 apps in 1 package) is Caldav client for Android to synchronize calendars and reminders on iCloud Server by your Apple Id. From now, you can use Apple services in your Android devices.


* Suitable to using with iDevices & Mac OSX Calendar and Reminder.

* Two-way-sync with iCloud server.

* Support multi-AppleId, multi-Calendars and Reminders

* Basic support for self-signed certificates

* Auto-provisioning

* High security

* Efficient sync-algorithm

* Invite, reminder and share calendar by email.

* Fully support Recurring and Exception events.

* Fully support Reminders.

* Material Design

BTW : Please contact with me (English, Vietnamese) if you have problems, just writing a comment like "Doesn't work on... " won't help neither you nor me to get it running on your device.

iCloud and Apple are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The author of this app is not related to Apple in anyway.

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ICloud-Calendar-Reminder-Sync-1766948906856744/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/TaiTranDev

I am a young Vietnamese developer, I developed this app as my programming hobby in every weekends, and the rest of the days in week I have to work. Plz don't rate down my app because you don't like or another reasons. I will keep maintaining when you send mail to report bugs. And again, Thank you for using my Apps.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.29

Last updated on Dec 19, 2016 - Fix user report bugs.
- Thank you for your supportings.

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