How to Draw Manga Faces -
Manga refers to comics drawn in a style based on Japanese art, usually published in Japan. How to Draw Manga Faces app can help you get started with basic manga drawing techniques, as well as pointing you toward anime styles you can borrow.
Lesson in this app will show you how to draw a Manga character face. By following these basic principles, you can learn how to draw any Manga character's face, just changing the details to suit the character. The head of a Manga character is by far the most important part! Why? Because the style is based around it. Everything after the head is more or less just another piece of a cartoon character, and by that I mean that for the most part, you can find everything else in other styles of cartooning and comic booking.
Drawing an anime face in the same way that a professional does is something that you can learn to do at home too. With a little patience and practice, How to Draw Manga Faces app will help you to achieve your desired anime drawing style.