Hindi Novel Book - Adbhut -
A Hindi Novel Book (Horror, Suspense, Thriller) by Sunil Doiphode.
A Hindi Horror, Suspense, Thriller Novel Book by Sunil Doiphode.
Hindi translation of a novel ‘Adbhut’ published by 'Scion Publications Pvt. Ltd, Pune' ISBN no - 978-81-905888-9-8 July 2010, 150 Pages.
कब ? क्यों ? और कहाँ ? .... सवालोंके सिलसिलेमे और एक सवाल ..... कौन ?
Why? ... A quest for everyone ... other than When, Who and where?
What's New in the Latest Version 5.0
Last updated on May 30, 2016 1. Font problem is rectified, which some mobile models were getting.2. Option to share this novel with friends on Whatsapp, Twitter is added.
3. Option to download more novels from the author is added