Hidden Object Cursed Diamonds -
Author Jennifer Ensley and artist Phatpuppy present Cursed by Diamonds!
Author Jennifer Ensley and best-selling artist Phatpuppy present "Cursed by Diamonds"!
What if a pure and loving heart unintentionally caused Angels to fall, demons to rise, and blurred the line between heaven and hell?
Jenevier owns such a heart. An innocent, unadulterated purity that is too quick to find good where none exists. Her blind trust and radiant soul could be the answer long sought, or, it could mark the end of us all.
-Story narrated by the author, Jennifer Ensley
-Beautiful stages by acclaimed artist Phatpuppy!
-3 game modes: CASUAL, NORMAL, and CHALLENGE
-4 ways to find items: PICTURE, SILHOUETTE, WORDS and RANDOM
-2 difficulty settings: NORMAL and HARD
-Training mode and hints are included
Have fun!