GPS Map Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 27.0.7
  • 5.02MB

GPS Map -

Map your location, track your location, import your images, and much more!

GPS Map is a free, advertising supported app that allows you to do awesome things with a map powered by Google on Android devices. For a price, you can get GPS Map Pro which is nearly identical without the advertising banner.

Activities are organized into the following categories:

* Search - Find new Placemarks by address, or coordinates.

* My Location - Center or mark your place quickly, toggle Real/Mock location, Search nearby, and Share your location.

* Layers - Allows you to toggle the visibility of My Location, Placemarks, Satellite, Traffic, Track, and Route layers.

* Placemarks - View list, Center, Change location, use as Mock location, Navigate to, Route to, Search nearby, Street View, and Share

* Routes - View list, Change color, Details, Hide, Show and Share

* Tracks - View list, Start/Stop Recording, Change color, Graph, Tour on Google Earth, View at Human, Land, and Plane speed, and Share

* Images - View list, set Default for Marker, Import as a Marker, Import location from Image

* Markers - View list, Edit/Delete/Hide/Show groups of Placemarks, Markers created for each Import

* Compass Mode - All visible layers rotate instead of My Location arrow rotating towards north

* Copyright - All the legal copyright and disclosure stuff

* Data Management - Import/Export/Manage data

* Help - A quick introduction, the FAQ, and links to other helpful content about GPS Map

* Preferences - Adjust update time, long press time, the visibility of various items and features

Use almost any image from your Camera, Gallery, or file browsing app to create a Marker for a Placemark on the map. Images containing location information can be imported as Placemarks with their image as the Marker on the map.

GPS Map has the following features:

* Easy to search for a location by address, placemark name, or latitude, longitude.

* Import/Export your Placemarks - GPSMap GPS, Garmin CSV, Geocode GEO, Google Earth/Google Maps KML,GPS Exchange GPX filesand TomTom ASCII

* Imports the location and image from a photograph to create a Placemark on the map with the Image as the Marker

* Able to view Placemarks, Routes and Tracks with Google Earth

* Able to be taken to Google Street View for a Placemark (if available)

* Able to use Placemarks to start a navigation app like Google Navigation

* Export to Google Drive Fusion Tables with an active Gmail account

* Creates Tours for Google Earth based upon your recorded Track

Works best with:

* Google Earth, Google Maps, Google Street View installed.

GPS location service enabled.

Visit for more information.

What's New in the Latest Version 27.0.7

Last updated on Jun 13, 2015 * Fixed problem with browsing device files
* Improved handling of all Notifications and Background Services
* Added ability for user to Stop Recording their Track from the Notification activity
* Removed use of custom dialog to set the Time for a Placemark
* Updated API build to Kit Kat with Android 4 support library

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