Gomes Martins

Gomes Martins Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 0.1.0
  • 7.46MB

Gomes Martins -


Gomes Martins LAWYERS & CONSULTANTS is a result of the association, held in 2009, Irena and Marta Martins Carneiro da Cunha Gomes Liziane originated from the same office and they had a will: make use of their experience to provide quality legal services and in accordance with corporate tonic.

Driven by this ideal, supported by the experience of over ten years in professional militancy, serving customers large and medium-sized number, in the industrial, chemical, petrochemical, services, education, urban transport, engineering, agribusiness and health; and also in solid academic background, created the office.

Thus, in order to act both preventively - through permanent advisory or pontuais- in contract area, the preparation of opinions, execution of corporate planning and structuring business and operations; as litigation in the administrative and judicial spheres, proposing actions or preparing defenses or resources, office Gomes Martins LAWYERS & CONSULTANTS was conceived.

Furthermore, Gomes Martins LAWYERS & CONSULTANTS seeks to disseminate the notion that the law should be seen as a tool for business companies (and not as an obstacle), especially in its preventive dimension, like strategic planning.

Gomes Martins LAWYERS & CONSULTANTS is registered with the OAB-BA under number 1816/2009, is in Salvador, traditional neighborhood in the city and has partnerships and representative offices in other states, all to better serve its customers.

What's New in the Latest Version 0.1.0

Last updated on Sep 19, 2016 - Remoção do fórum.
- Adicionado um recurso de notificação.

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