Flussonic Watcher -
Mobile client for real time access to Flussonic Watcher video surveillance
Mobile client for real time access to Flussonic Watcher video surveillance
In this app you can:
* Watch live video from IP cameras with the ultra low latency and secure TLS encryption
* Browse camera's archive at any permitted depth
* View your cameras on the map
* View your cameras in the mosaics
* Download video archive fragments on your device
* Receive event notifications
* Secure the access to the application based on a fingerprint or a PIN code
* Provision cameras with Flussonic Agent to your account
If you are a VSaaS operator: Before your subscribers start using this application, install and configure Flussonic Watcher on your server(s), provision your cameras, create users and get the Operator ID.
Please refer to [Mobile Applications guide](https://flussonic.com/doc/watcher/mobile-apps/).
If you are an end-user: Your VSaaS operator will provide you with login, password and Operator ID to sign into the app.