FIT Cancer 4 -
IV Forum Translational Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
The Spanish Immuno-Biological Therapies Group in Cancer (Genetic) celebrates, for the fourth consecutive year, the IV Translational Immunology Forum and Cancer Immunotherapy.
The forum is aimed at oncologists, immunologists and other medical specialists, pharmacists or researchers with interest in cancer and immunotherapies. It also constitutes an opportunity for training for the pharmaceutical industry given the global nature of its contents.
The forum will take place on March 8, 9 and 10, 2018 in the city of Madrid, the headquarters being the Royal Tapestry Factory (Fueguerrabía Street, No. 2).
This edition also contemplates the possibility of sending communications for preferential oral presentation or poster and among all the works presented will be awarded a prize for the best communication.
Genetic Scientific Association
Genetic (Spanish group of immuno-biological therapies in cancer) is a scientific association under Organic Law 1/2002, of March 22, and complementary norms, with legal personality and full capacity to work, without profit.
Objective of Gética
Genetic is aimed at the research and development of immunological and advanced therapies in cancer; the formation of researchers and clinicians in these areas of knowledge and practice; the contribution to the dissemination of knowledge about these treatments towards the general population; All this in a multidisciplinary, integrative and facilitating way with other scientific societies and with other cooperative groups that concentrate their dedication to specific neoplastic pathologies.