FareScout - Travel Search

FareScout - Travel Search Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.0
  • 2.47MB

FareScout - Travel Search -

Flight search and airfare prediction for the best travel deals and offers

FareScout makes finding the best airfare and travel deals on your phone easy and painless by using airfare prediction technology to find the best flight deals, helping you know when it is the right time to book, and scoring the best travel offers for your trip.

How often do you want to travel but can't quickly figure out what the current airfare is? And, how often do you see the airfare for your trip, but just aren't sure if the ticket will go on sale or if you should book your flight today?

FareScout helps you solve this problem by giving you a quick and easy search for flights, finding the best deals for you, and then telling you whether now is the time to get the best airfare, or if you should wait.

FareScout is always looking for other travel deals to help you as well - because hotels, cars, and activities are all part of the trip...but you can't get somewhere without your plane ticket!

Know you're getting the best airfare - scout it!

What's New in the Latest Version 2.0

Last updated on May 9, 2016 Updates & Bug Fixes

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