Erfurt mobil -
Find schedules for light rail and buses in your area.
Get the free EVAG timetable app now! With Erfurt mobil you always have a route planner, real-time timetable information and subscription management with you on the go. Want to quickly see the next departure or find the best tram and bus connection? No problem with the EVAG app! This means you are simply and cleverly mobile. Subscribers can easily and quickly manage their EVAG subscription online, change their personal data anytime, anywhere, and switch to another subscription product or tariff zone.
Departures and stops near you
- Timetable in real time - live display of deviations
- Departure times of all stops nearby
- Map view with address-specific footpath navigation to the desired stop
- Save stops as favorites
- GPS-based location search (optionally selectable) determines the best possible connection (stop, departure time)
- Display of disruptions and other information on the affected journeys
Always the best connection
- Real-time door-to-door connection information
- Map view for line and connection history
- Save the connection as a favorite
- Share connection via email or messenger service
Timetable changes at a glance
- Current reports on timetable changes and short-term disruptions on the route - also as a push message
Mobile ticket machine with a link to the FAIRTIQ app: billing at the best price – 10% discount on a single journey
- Subscribers can easily and quickly manage their EVAG subscription online
- change personal data anytime and anywhere: address, IBAN and lost card
- Change of subscription product and tariff zone
More features
- Display of short-term and long-term faults in the message view or as a push message
- Display of news from EVAG
- NFC – chip card reader: reading out the information on the personal subscription chip card