Electric Gun Shock ( Prank ) -
Trick your friends that you are having electric shock gun in your phone !!
electric Stun Gun Simulator simulates the functionality of an electric stun gun. The app displays image, the phone will start to flash, vibrate, and make sounds simulating an electric shock. When you tap the switch, your Android device flashes and vibrates briefly, simulating an electric shock. Have fun making someone think they are about to get zapped. This may work better with younger, more impressionable people.
- Fool your friends into thinking you have a real electroshock weapon
- Press the on/off button to simulate an electric shock
- Make your device vibrate and flash simultaneously
Disclaimer : electric shock gun is just for entertainment purpose and does not work for real and its not anyhow similar to taser gun used by cops please do not use it as taser gun. This is not a real stun gun/electric weapon, but a way to have fun with your friends.